Let’s prepare a dozen ANSP “catalogues” for analysis in spaCy
In a prvious post, I used GNfinder on a dozen or so sections of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP) volumes that had been picked because they are likely to have a lot of taxonomic names in them. After I ID’d the genus and species names with GNfinder, I saved the list from each ANSP section as an entity set for use in spaCy, a natural language processing tool. Within spaCy (which we will run in a Jupyter Notebook b/c I still can’t make it work in R), I’ll run named entity recognition on the species names, and also look for locations and habitats.
In this exercise, I’ll run EVERY VOLUME of the ANSP corpus through GNfinder, and save the results in ONE GIANT entity list for spaCy. WEEE-HAW!! Let’s get wild.
Load the Libraries we need.
Recall that you need to have GNfinder installed on your machine to run it.
To run GNfinder1, see the instructions here. I am a Mac user, and I used the Homebrew option.
spaCy entity rulers look like:
{“label”: “HABITAT”, “pattern”: “temperate oceans”}
{“label”: “HABITAT”, “pattern”: “temperate reefs”}
{“label”: “HABITAT”, “pattern”: “temperate seas”} …
prefix <- str_c("{","\"label\": ","\"TAXA\","," \"pattern\": \"") # this looks ugly, but if we view it ...
# cat(prefix) # it's doing what we want.
sec1ents <- str_c(prefix,dat[[2]],"\"}") # put it together
# cat(sec1ents) # look at it - should be one entity (taxonomic name) per line, in the right format
We scraped the text (yay!), and now we want to feed that text, one file at a time, through the GNfinder tool. GNfinder will run in a Bash code chunk. I don’t know how to do this elegantly, so I’m just going to put all of the files I want to run into a folder and point GNfinder at it. If you have a more targeted way to make this work, say by using a list of filenames provided in a text file, please let me know. This feels a bit klugey to me.
Run gnfinder on a section of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Reminder: this runs in a bash
for f in /Users/thalassa/Rcode/blog/data/*.txt
echo "Processing $f file..."
gnfinder "$f" --verify > "${f%.txt}_gnf.txt"
Now we need to read back in the results from GNfinder and use the taxonomic names it found to create an entity file for each one (in jsonl). Recall that we already created the ‘prefix’ to the pattern that we need in the entity file.
ldf <- list() # creates a list
listcsv <- dir(pattern = "*gnf.txt") # creates the list of all the csv files in the directory
outlist <- gsub(".txt", ".jsonl", listcsv ) #change the file extension for the entity files
for (k in 1:length(listcsv)){
dat <- as_tibble(read_csv(listcsv[[k]]))
entout <- str_c(prefix,dat[[2]],"\"}") # put it together
myfile <- str_c("/Users/thalassa/Rcode/blog/data/taxa-",outlist[[k]])
write_lines(entout, myfile)
rm(ldf, listcsv, outlist, dat, k, entout, myfile) # clean up!
Now we have the scraped text of 13 subsections of the ANSP corpus, we identified all of the txaxnomic names in each subsection using GNfinder, and we saved those taxa to text files (jsonl) that are formatted for use as spaCy entity sets in the NER pipeline. Now it’s time to return to a Jupyter Notebook to run these through! Stay tuned for that ….
Here are some screen shots that show you what the process resulted in.
Here are the files we created.
Here is what the ANSP OCR text looks like.
This is what the ouput of GNfinder looks like.
This is what the entity file for spaCy looks like.
Mozzherin, Dmitry, Alexander Myltsev, and Harsh Zalavadiya. Gnames/Gnfinder: V0.14.2. Zenodo, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5111562.↩︎
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Whitmire (2021, Aug. 13). Seaside Librarian: Preparing ANSP subsets for spaCy. Retrieved from https://amandawhitmire.github.io/blog/posts/2021-08-13-preparing-ansp-subsets-for-spacy/
BibTeX citation
@misc{whitmire2021preparing, author = {Whitmire, Amanda}, title = {Seaside Librarian: Preparing ANSP subsets for spaCy}, url = {https://amandawhitmire.github.io/blog/posts/2021-08-13-preparing-ansp-subsets-for-spacy/}, year = {2021} }